January 2023

Chinese New Year Festival 2023


Chinese New Year Festival 2022

November 17, 2021

Press release:

Panama City Trilingual School (PCTS) would like to announce our partnership with Troy University effective November 17.

PCTS is the only school of its kind in the panhandle of Florida. It offers a curriculum which immerses children in both the Mandarin Chinese language and culture as well as the Spanish language and culture. The goal of the partnership is to develop Chinese language teaching and learning programs in our school as well as to enhance the mutual understanding and friendship between young people of both China and the United States. The partnership will also help the school by sponsoring teaching and learning of the Chinese language and culture. This will be done through assistance with curriculum and educational trips to China. Future possibilities with the program may include dual enrollment and scholarships through Troy University.

The partnership between PCTS and Troy University will help our school obtain the goal of our students becoming truly "trilingual."

October 15, 2021

WMBB News 13 coverage of our Hispanic Heritage Month Showcase

February 12, 2021

WMBB News 13 video coverage of our Chinese New Year Celebration. Also see the article here

December 18, 2020

WMBB News 13 coverage of the PCTS Christmas Concert

October 14, 2020

WMBB News 13 coverage of Panama City Trilingual School’s Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration

February 2, 2020

The Panama City News Herald’s full article about our school.

Abigail Fehnrich, 6, points to Mandarin symbols on a wall to construct a complete sentence as she reads them aloud.

Abigail Fehnrich, 6, points to Mandarin symbols on a wall to construct a complete sentence as she reads them aloud.

January 15, 2020

A preview from The Panama City News Herald’s visit to our school this January, 2020. The full print article will be in the News Herald on Feb.2, 2020.

Students learn Mandarin, Spanish and English while studying math, science, literature, typing, and more.

The News Herald also released a podcast from their visit to Panama City Trilingual School to accompany the full story that will be in print on Feb. 2, 2020.
