Through research and practical experience we have settled on a combination of what we feel are best in class curricula for math and languages.
2 year old class
We provide Mandarin Chinese for the 2 year old class. Singing, visual media and play based learning is emphasized in this class. The teachers also work on developing fine and gross motor skills. This is a family's first introduction to the program and if the child and parent connect well with the teacher, the same approach continues through the preschool program until the child is 4 years old.
English - Preschool curriculum with emphasis on learning sounds of the alphabet. Developing fine and gross motor skills.
Spanish - Authentic Spanish Curriculum with emphasis on language acquisition through listening, playing, singing songs, media. Continuing developing fine and gross motor skills.
Mandarin Chinese - Emphasis on language acquisition through listening, playing, singing songs, media and continuing developing fine and gross motor skills.
Saxon Phonics
Supplement: Learning at the Primary Pond - Writing Workshop - English
First Grade
Saxon Phonics
Supplement: Learning at the Primary Pond - Writing Workshop - English
Second Grade
Not so Wimpy Teacher Curriculum
Magic Tree House
Third Grade
Not so Wimpy Teacher Curriculum
Wordly Wise
Assigned fiction and non-fiction novels
Fourth Grade
Wordly Wise
Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW)
Fix it Grammar!
No Red Ink
Assigned fiction and non-fiction novels
Fifth Grade
Wordly Wise
Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW)
Fix it Grammar!
No Red Ink
Assigned fiction and non-fiction novels
Middle School
Wordly Wise
Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW)
Fix it Grammar!
No Red Ink
Assigned fiction and non-fiction novels
Supplement: From Martz to Class
Supplement: Learning at the Primary Pond - Writing Workshop - Spanish
First Grade
Supplement: Learning at the Primary Pond - Writing Workshop - Spanish
Supplement: Escaleras de Fluidez
Second Grade
Ediciones SM - Revuela Español 1
Ediciones SM - Revuela Español 2
Third Grade
Ediciones SM - Revuela Español 3
Escalera (New Arrivals)
Estrellitas Fugaces
Fourth Grade
Ediciones SM - Revuela Español 3
Escalera (New Arrivals)
Fifth Grade
Ediciones SM - Revuela Español 4
Escalera (New Arrivals)
Middle School
Holt McDougal - Avancemos 1A/1B
Holt McDougal - Avancemos 2
Math in Focus (Singapore Math) - KA/KB
First Grade
Math in Focus (Singapore Math) - 1A/1B
Second Grade
Math in Focus (Singapore Math) - 2A/2B
Third Grade
Math in Focus (Singapore Math) - 3A/3B
Fourth Grade
Math in Focus (Singapore Math) - 4A/4B
Fifth Grade
Math in Focus (Singapore Math) - 5A/5B
Middle School
Math in Focus (Singapore Math) - Course 1A/1B
Math in Focus (Singapore Math) - Course 1A/1B Accelerated
Math in Focus (Singapore Math) - Course 2A/2B
Math in Focus (Singapore Math) - Course 2A/2B Accelerated
Into Math Florida - Pre-Algebra
Into Math Florida - Algebra 1
Into Math Florida - Algebra 2
Into Math Florida - Geometry
Mystery Science
First Grade
Mystery Science
Second Grade
Mystery Science
Third Grade
Mystery Science
Fourth Grade
Mystery Science
Fifth Grade
Mystery Science
Middle School
FLVS - Biology
FLVS - Anatomy and Physiology
FLVS - Earth Science
Social Studies integrated curriculum with Spanish
First Grade
Young Citizens - Florida Edition
Second Grade
Young Citizens - Florida Edition
Third Grade
Young Citizens - Florida Edition
Fourth Grade
Young Citizens - Florida Edition
Fifth Grade
Young Citizens - Florida Edition
Middle School
Pearson Savvas Realize - American History
Young Citizens - Civics Florida
Young Citizens - World History
Young Citizens - Zombie based Geography
Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids 1
First Grade
Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids 2
Second Grade
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 1
Third Grade
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 1
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 2
Fourth Grade
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 1
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 2
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 3
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 4
Fifth Grade
Youth Chinese Test - YCT 1
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 2
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 3
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 4
Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi - HSK 1
Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi - HSK 2
Middle School
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 1
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 2
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 3
Youth Chinese Test -YCT 4
Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi -HSK 1
Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi - HSK 2
Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi - HSK 3
Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi - HSK 4
Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi - HSK 5
After school enrichment opportunities such as Chess Club, Lego Club, and Girl Scouts are currently offered.
PCTS Cheerleading Team 2021
To supplement our multicultural studies, Panama City Trilingual School incorporates celebrations from many cultures into our school year. Examples include celebrating Chinese New Year, Hispanic Heritage Month, Carnivale, Dia de los Muertos, Cinco de Mayo, and Mid-Autumn Festival.
Field trips to local points of interest complement our program. Some recent trips have included the E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center, Museum of Florida History, Emerald Coast Science Center, Florida Historic Capital Museum, Mission San Luis, Lazy Acres Family Farm, and more.